Dear Booksellers, The Annual Membership Meeting will begin at 2:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, June 11, and will be followed immediately by the Town Hall (as early as 2:15 p.m.). Booksellers are encouraged to submit Town Hall questions or comments ahead of time at [email protected]. Questions submitted ahead of time will be addressed as part of the Annual Meeting or in the course of the Town Hall. Members will also be able to raise their Zoom hands to speak and/or submit questions via the Zoom Q&A function during the Town Hall. ABA will call on members who wish to speak in the order that their hands are raised. Once all hands are called on and all who wish to speak have spoken, ABA will read the questions submitted via Zoom Q&A, excluding questions that have already been asked and/or answered. (The general chat will be turned off to avoid confusion.) The meeting will end at 4:00 p.m. ET or when booksellers have finished sharing, whichever comes first. The Publishers Weekly 2020 Bookstore of the Year ceremony will immediately follow. Publishers can bookmark this link to watch the Annual Meeting and Town Hall (video to go live June 11). We suggest that members log on a few minutes early to ensure that they are able to access the webinar. If you have technical difficulties, contact ABA’s event tech team. See you there! ABA is here for all of you. Please reach out if there is anything we can help with. We are an incredibly creative, resilient, supportive industry. We’ll get through this, together. Best, Allison |