Hummingbird Option No Longer Available On IndieCommerce
IndieCommerce is disappointed to announce that Hummingbird (HDM) will no longer be a viable option for ABA to offer as an ebook and audiobook option for IndieCommerce users as of 9/30/22. ABA is currently looking for other options.
HDM was acquired by 360 Media Direct and they are in the process of launching a new platform,, that sells ebooks, audiobooks and print books for sale online.
We’ve been informed that at the end of September 2022, HDM will be shut down and will be replaced by Booksio. If stores continued to promote ebooks and audiobooks through Hummingbird their customers would be directed to a platform that markets Booksio to the store’s customers. This conflict of interest is a concern, as is the fact that Booksio is on AWS, Amazon’s cloud platform. Given these conflicts of interest, ABA is discontinuing our IndieCommerce integration with the HDM platform on September 30, 2022 and we are actively looking for alternate solutions for our members.
If your website is currently using Hummingbird Digital Media for fulfilling eBook and audiobook orders for your customers, we highly recommend that you log into your account at HDM and copy your customer information from those transactions. Note that customers who were directed from your site in the past to buy audio or ebooks via Hummingbird were asked to create Hummingbird accounts at the time so Hummingbird has your customers’ information.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to email [email protected] with any thoughts, questions, or suggestions.
The IndieCommerce team
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