The IndieCommerce Newsletter |
How Does Our Website Compare to Other Store Sites?
I get asked this question fairly often by members. Google Analytics offers some great tools for monitoring traffic to your website. Here are some interesting numbers based on average monthly traffic to ALL IndieCommerce sites:
- 49% of traffic comes from "organic search." This is defined as a search originating in a search engine (probably Google). Your site comes up in the search results and the customer follows that link.
- 25% of traffic comes "direct" to a site. Customers either enter the URL for your store directly into the browser or use a bookmark.
- 14% of traffic comes from "referrals." This is traffic from other sites that have links that point to your site.
- 9% of traffic derives from "social media." This is traffic coming directly from links on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. This traffic gives you an interesting insight into how well your social media marketing is working.
- 1.45% of traffic from email. This could be traffic from your newsletter or any other email source with links back to your website. Building a robust email list is a very good way to drive traffic and sales to your website. I personally think you are missing a tremendous opportunity if you are not actively using email in your marketing.
- 0.15% of traffic comes from "affiliates." This is traffic that is coming back to a store from the store's managed affiliate program. This is a surprisingly low percentage of the total.
- .05% of traffic from "paid search" & "display advertising." These are paid online advertising campaigns. As you can see, only 1/2 of 1% of all traffic to IndieCommerce stores comes from paid ads.
Your site’s Google numbers are probably going to be quite different. Please keep in mind that when you compare your Google analytics data to the above numbers, these are not necessarily good or bad, they are just showing you how you compare to everyone else.
If you have questions or comments, please drop me an email at [email protected].
Ingram's new author biography meta data
As we announced on August 3, over this past weekend we updated the data feed with the new author biography data from Ingram. The transition went very smoothly and no issues have been reported by customers or stores. If you notice anything unusual in author bios, please contact [email protected].
IndieCommerce at Fall Regional Shows
This year, for the first time, an IndieCommerce representative will be available for one- on-one training sessions at this fall's regional shows. Staff will also be available to answer any general questions you might have about joining IndieCommerce and the unique e-commerce features it offers ABA members.
We will be announcing the opening of online sign up in the next few weeks. We will also try to accommodate questions from members who drop-in, but we would strongly suggest reserving a spot before the show.
We look forward to meeting you at the fall regionals.
No Webinar on Thursday August 11th
Due to scheduling conflicts there will be no webinar this Thursday, August 11.
Tips & Tricks
Have you set-up or recently updated your Google "My Business" page?
See: https://www.google.com/business/
If you have not, be sure to checkout these three videos from Max Thomas.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to email us with any thoughts, questions, or suggestions.
The IndieCommerce team
For past editions of IndieCommunication, visit this page.
Phillip Davies, IndieCommerce Director
American Booksellers Association | 333 Westchester Avenue, Ste S202 | White Plains, NY 10604
[email protected] | 914-406-7527 | www.BookWeb.org |