The IndieCommerce Newsletter

Tips for Safer Computing

by ABA Systems Admin Josh Harding

The amount of data passing through a modern computer is truly remarkable, and for indie bookstores this includes sensitive information such as credit card numbers and customer details, as well as important communications and images such as event photos.

Small business owners are in a uniquely vulnerable position, as they are entrusted with a lot of other people’s information and tend to have more critical data on their computers, yet they lack the dedicated resources of large businesses.

Read the rest of Josh’s article for tips on keeping your business’ information safe and private.

Call Us Anytime, But Not on the Toll-Free Number

ABA’s toll-free number is still not functioning, so either email us at [email protected] or call IndieCommerce directly at 1-914-406-7500, option 2. Our hope is that we will have the toll free line back soon, but we’ll keep you updated.

​IndieLite Update

​The IndieLite letter of agreement is now available online, so please take a look if you’re thinking about signing up for the program. For a comparison between IndieLite and IndieCommerce, and for details about IndieLite features, check out the chart here. We are also happy to walk you through the options, and help you find the right product for your store. Call us at 1-914-406-7500, option 2.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to email us with any thoughts, questions, or suggestions.
The IndieCommerce team

For past editions of IndieCommunication, visit this page.

Phillip Davies, IndieCommerce Director
American Booksellers Association | 333 Westchester Avenue | White Plains, NY 10604
[email protected] |
914-406-7527 |
600 Mamaroneck Ave
Suite 400
Harrison, NY 10528
United States
