The IndieCommerce Newsletter            July 27, 2017


Your Wonderful Webinar Ideas

Your IndieCommerce team is developing a new series of webinars for ABA members who use IndieCommerce and IndieLite. We’ve created a short survey where booksellers can suggest webinar topics.


The very brief survey, which was created due to an influx of new stores joining IndieCommerce and IndieLite in recent months, also includes questions about the best times of the day as well as the best day of the week for booksellers to participate in this new online seminar series.


Your input is very important when it comes to making the IndieCommerce and IndieLite platforms even more innovative and user-friendly. It should only take a few minutes for booksellers to complete the survey.


Questions about the survey or any other matters regarding IndieCommerce and IndieLite can be sent to [email protected].


Your Customers Can Reply to Do-Not-Reply

Following our story last week about changing the “From” address in transactional emails to [email protected], several booksellers wrote to us that they were concerned that their customers could not reach them with questions if they used the Do-Not-Reply address. Keep in mind that the “From” address is there just to identify the URL that the email originated from. This lets Internet service providers know that they can safely deliver this email and that it is not spam or originating from some other nefarious email source. This new “From” address will actually help get more of your emails delivered and keep them from ending up in a spam folder.


If a customer replies to the email, the address will automatically change to the email address that your store usually uses to correspond with your customers. This applies to ALL transactional emails generated by your IndieCommerce or IndieLite website.


Please keep in mind that most of your customers who shop online have probably already seen a Do-Not-Reply email address in transactional emails sent to them following a purchase. This has become the default “From” email address used by many websites. Please note that your customers can still reply to these emails and a valid reply address will automatically populate the “To” field for them. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].

Tip of the Day

When you submit  a question to customer support, PLEASE be as detailed as possible in your description of the issue you want us to look into. If you are talking about a book, please include the ISBN #. If it is an issue with an order, please include the order #. The more details you include the faster we can help you resolve your issue. 

Thanks for reading. Feel free to email us with any thoughts, questions, or suggestions.
The IndieCommerce team

For past editions of IndieCommunication, visit this page.

Phillip Davies, IndieCommerce Director
American Booksellers Association | 333 Westchester Avenue | White Plains, NY 10604
[email protected] |
914-406-7527 |
600 Mamaroneck Ave
Suite 400
Harrison, NY 10528
United States
