The E-Commerce Newsletter For Booksellers June 1, 2020 |
URGENT IndieCommerce Upgrade On Tuesday Morning June 2nd
Due to the massive surge in web traffic over the past 2 days, we need to make an urgent upgrade to the IndieCommerce system. The hardware upgrade will start at 6AM EST on Tuesday June 2nd and should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. Expect intermittent outages during that time.
IndieCommerce and IndieLite Registration Is Now Open
We've re-opened the registration page for stores who want to sign up for an IndieCommerce or IndieLite website. Please complete this form: https://www.bookweb.org/IC_waitinglist
Thanks for reading. Feel free to email us with any thoughts, questions, or suggestions.
The IndieCommerce team
For past editions of IndieCommunication, visit this page.
Phillip Davies, IndieCommerce Director
American Booksellers Association | 333 Westchester Avenue | White Plains, NY 10604
[email protected] | 914-406-7527 | www.BookWeb.org |