The E-Commerce Newsletter For Booksellers July 30, 2020 |
Webinar On IndieCommerce Credit Card Processing
Two weeks ago we announced that there will be some changes to how some bookstores process credit card transactions on IndieCommerce and IndieLite websites. Last week we addressed many of the frequently asked questions from booksellers about the upcoming changes.
In two weeks on August 12th from 1-2pm EST we’ll be hosting a live, online, instructional webinar on credit card processing for IndieCommerce websites. We’ll get into the details of the changes to online credit card processing for IndieCommerce stores and if you have questions, we’ll be happy to address those as well. Please register online here.
If you have any questions now, as always you can email us at [email protected]
Thanks for reading. Feel free to email us with any thoughts, questions, or suggestions.
The IndieCommerce team
For past editions of IndieCommunication, visit this page.
Phillip Davies, IndieCommerce Director
American Booksellers Association | 333 Westchester Avenue | White Plains, NY 10604
[email protected] | 914-406-7527 | www.BookWeb.org |