The E-Commerce Newsletter For Booksellers          January  23, 2021

Last Day of Shared ABA Credit Card Processing is 3/31/21

If your IndieCommerce (not IndieLite) website is still using the shared ABA credit card processor, we are anxious to have you complete the transition to move to your own account as quickly as possible. This needs to be done by March 31, 2021. After that date the shared ABA credit card processor is being discontinued as a credit card payment option on IndieCommerce websites. 

You will need to select a credit card processor (Merchant Service Provider) and sign up for Please refer to the following checklists and instructions:

Switching credit card processors - Google Docs Fraud Detection Settings - Google Docs

Please reach out to [email protected] if you need additional help.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to email us with any thoughts, questions, or suggestions.
The IndieCommerce team

For past editions of IndieCommunication, visit this page.

Phillip Davies, IndieCommerce Director
American Booksellers Association | 333 Westchester Avenue | White Plains, NY 10604
[email protected] |
914-406-7527 |
600 Mamaroneck Ave
Suite 400
Harrison, NY 10528
United States
