Indie Bestseller List – Reprint Notes for Media

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Background Facts:

  • The Indie Bestseller List is produced by the American Booksellers Association
  • Weekly list of top-selling books in independent bookstores nationwide
  • Differs in method, content, and source from other national bestseller lists
  • Consistently provides consumers with knowledgeable hand sells not often found on other bestseller lists until weeks or months later, if at all
  • Free to the media
  • Produced and distributed via email on Tuesday of each week, two days following the end of the sales week
  • Compiled from data reported to ABA from close to 500 stores across the country
  • Categories are hardcover fiction and nonfiction, paperback fiction and nonfiction, mass market, children’s interest, children’s illustrated, and children’s series
  • Rank to 15 for each category

Reprint Requirements:

  • Can re-print any or all of the categories
  • Can rank fewer than 15 if space requires
  • Indie Bestseller List logos are available but not required
  • Links to go exclusively to book page on
  • Lists cannot to be reprinted prior to first use by ABA
  • Reprint credit to appear with list
  • No re-licensing of Indie Bestseller List without ABA prior approval
  • Consumer media may not run any week's List before Friday of the publication week

Reprint Credit:

National List: If generic list title (e.g. "Bestsellers") used:

"Rankings according to the Indie Bestseller List, and based on sales in independent bookstores nationwide during the week ended {DATE}. Produced by the American Booksellers Association."

If Indie Bestseller List title used:

"The Indie Bestseller List is produced by the American Booksellers Association and is based on sales in independent bookstores nationwide during the week ended {DATE}."

Other list titles subject to ABA prior approval.

Regional List: If generic list title (e.g. "Bestsellers") used:

"Rankings according to the Indie Bestseller List, and based on sales in independent bookstores in the {REGION} during the week ended {DATE}. Produced by the American Booksellers Association and {REGIONAL ASSOCIATION}."

If Indie Bestseller List title used:

"The Indie Bestseller List is produced by the American Booksellers Association and {REGIONAL ASSOCIATION} and is based on sales in independent bookstores in the {REGION} during the week ended {DATE}."

Other list titles subject to ABA prior approval.

Please e-mail Pete Reynolds, [email protected], to let us know when and where the list is being used, and how credit will be given. It is requested that tear sheets of the list be sent to:

Pete Reynolds
American Booksellers Association
333 Westchester Avenue, Ste. S202
White Plains, NY 10604



  • New England Independent Bestseller List - New England Independent Booksellers Association - NEIBA
  • New Atlantic Independent Bestseller List - New Atlantic Independent Booksellers Association - NAIBA
  • Southern Independent Bestseller List - Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance - SIBA
  • The Heartland Independent Bestseller List - Great Lakes Booksellers Association and Midwest Booksellers Association - GLBA and MBA
  • Pacific Northwest Independent Bestseller List - Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association - PNBA
  • Mountains and Plains Independent Bestseller List - Mountains and Plains Independent Booksellers Association - MPIBA
  • Northern California or Southern California Independent Bestseller List - California Independent Booksellers Alliance - CALIBA



About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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