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ABA Book Buyer's Handbook Update -- 4/6/04
Below is an outline of the most recent changes to the data in the ABA Book Buyer's Handbook online at handbook.bookweb.org.
Publishers can update their online listings and add special offers at any time using the Publisher Editing Tools at http://handbook.bookweb.org/pubhome.jsp. Questions about access to the editing features of the Handbook online should be e-mailed to [email protected] or call (800) 637-0037, ext. 1263.
Booksellers are strongly encouraged to alert ABA of changing terms and special offers that come to their attention. This can easily be done by using an online form available at http://handbook.bookweb.org/form.jsp; by sending an e-mail to [email protected]; or by calling (800) 637-0037, ext. 1263.
Current Special Offers
- Auromere Books & Imports
- International Books: Multilingual Resources
- Marshall Cavendish Corporation
- Simon & Schuster Sales and Distribution Division
Revised Company Listings
(The following companies have corrected or added information to their company listings in the designated sections.)
- Adventure Publications - Distribute.
- Bible in Living Sound - E-mail Address, ISBN Prefix(es).
- Cumberland House Publishing - Publisher Details, Sales Reps, Personnel.
- Day Bue Publishing - E-mail Address, ISBN Prefix(es).
- Evan-Moor Educational Publishers - Office Phone, Office Fax, Publisher Details, Discount Schedule, Co-op Advertising Policy, Personnel.
- Gallopade International, Inc. - E-mail Address, Imprint(s), Electronic Orders, Overstock Returns, Period of Eligibility for Returns, Credit Allowed, Personnel.
- Heart of the Lakes Publishing - Freight Policy.
- Honors Press - STOP.
- Modern Publishing - E-mail Address, Electronic Orders, Personnel.
- Nautical & Aviation Publishing Company of America, Inc. - Address for Orders.
- New York Academy of Sciences - Toll-Free Phone Orders, Office Phone, Freight Policy, Personnel.
- Other Press, LLC - Discount Schedule, STOP, Sales Representation, Personnel.
- Patterson Smith Publishing Corporation - E-mail Address.
- Phelps Publishing Company - ISBN Prefix(es).
- Porter Sargent Publishers, Inc. - Personnel.
- Primer Publishers - Freight Policy, Personnel.
- Purdue University Press - Office Address, E-mail Address, Imprint(s), Distribute, Discount Schedule.
- Rock 'N Learn - Publisher Details, Personnel.
- Rocky River Publishers, LLC - ISBN Prefix(es).
- Schoenhof's Foreign Books, Inc. - Publisher Details.
- Seaburn Publishing - Office Phone, Office Fax.
- Sibyl Publications, Inc. - E-mail Address, Web Address.
- Small Farmer's Journal Inc. - Publisher Details.
- Standard Publications, Inc. - Office Fax.
- Stanford University Press - Office Address, Office Phone, Sales Representation, Personnel.
- Stenhouse Publishers - Toll-Free Orders Phone, E-mail Address, Distribute, STOP, Damaged/Defective Returns, Overstock Returns, Personnel.
- Timber Press - Publisher Details, Personnel.
- Time Being Books - Office Phone, E-mail Address, Publisher Details, Imprint(s), Discount Schedule, Personnel.
- Toby Press - ISBN Prefix(es).
- Warde Publishers, Inc. - Office Address, Office Phone, Office Fax.
- Wide World Publishing/TETRA - E-mail Address, Personnel.
- Writers' Collective - Office Phone, Office Fax, ISBN Prefix(es).