Binc Launches Year-End Fundraising Campaign
The Book Industry Charitable (Binc) Foundation is kicking off its annual year-end fundraising campaign on November 30, Small Business Saturday, and this year, Penguin Random House is partnering with Binc on the campaign. The publisher will be matching all donations and will give $1 for every social media post on Instagram and Twitter using hashtag #BookstoresAreHolidays, up to $15,000, doubling the power and impact of individual donations through December 31, 2019.
“Our hearts go out to those booksellers whose lives have been upended by local natural disasters or personal illness, so it is a privilege for us to align with the Binc Foundation to raise funds to support our retail partners in need,” said Penguin Random House President of Sales Jaci Updike. “We urge our colleagues and our community to join together in giving all we can toward making a real impact in the lives of people we care about.”
In addition, Ingram Content Group is donating $10,000 to Binc on behalf of its brands and their publisher clients. “Binc lends a hand in times of need, assisting booksellers during financial hardship, unpredictable life events, and natural disasters. Ingram is a long-standing supporter and knows the work they do strengthens our bookselling communities,” said Ingram Chief Content Officer Phil Ollila.
A total of $30,000 raised through the end of the year will help 13 booksellers and their families through economic hardship. The Foundation has already assisted nearly 90 booksellers and their families in 2019 and has seen a 38 percent increase in approved grants compared to 2018.
The Foundation continues to receive calls and e-mails from booksellers impacted by the wildfires and power outages in California, and every week all year long assists booksellers recovering from personal financial hardships like a cancer diagnosis, dental needs, mental health and recovery, and natural disasters.
As was recently announced in its 2019 survey results, the Foundation reported that one in five booksellers has experienced a financial emergency in the last two years. The need for assistance is high in the bookselling community and continues to grow.
Binc Executive Director Pamela French said, “We are incredibly grateful to our supporters, especially Penguin Random House, who are choosing to strengthen the bookselling community this year and every year. The good news is that more booksellers are coming to Binc than ever before, but this also means the Foundation needs industry support more than ever before.”
To further celebrate Giving Tuesday, Ingram and Binc will collaborate to share real stories of bookstore/bookseller assistance, as a reminder of how one can truly make a difference. Follow the “12 Days of Giving” series on the Ingram blog and social media beginning December 3.
Donations to Binc’s year-end campaign can be made now; companies that would like to support Binc can visit its website or call Director of Development Kathy Bartson at (734) 471-0201.
Binc is offering donors the opportunity to join the Bibliophiles Society giving level with an annual gift of $500 (or $42 a month). Donors at this level will receive invitations to Binc’s events at Winter Institute and BookExpo, a special supporter ribbon for industry events, a copy of the Annual Gratitude Report, and two updates each year via conference call from French.