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BookSense.com Hosts Online Chat With Ann Martin
Award-winning author Ann S. Martin recently chatted online with dozens of her fans in a web event hosted by BookSense.com. In an hour-long, casual back-and-forth format, Martin answered questions about Welcome to Camden Falls (Scholastic), the first title in her new Main Street series, as well as about previous titles and her life as an author.
For the May 16 chat, visitors could submit questions at the time of the event via BookSense.com, or beforehand to Scholastic through its Main Street web page.
During the event, one young admirer asked, "What is the best part about being an author?" Martin responded, "Well, for me, the best part is making up stories. That's just what I love to do. As an author I get to do that all the time, and I like being in a fantasy world and creating characters." (Read the entire chat transcript.)
Scholastic also created an audio interview with Martin that is available for download via BookSense.com.
Martin will be the guest of honor at Scholastic's Wednesday night "Main Street Block Party" at Hotel ABA. The event, open to all ABA bookstore members, will celebrate the publication of Welcome to Camden Falls, as well as the spirit of Main Streets and locally owned stores everywhere.
Scholastic and ABA have also partnered to bring the Main Street Contest to Book Sense bookstores. The contest, open to children ages six to 12, asks the question "Why Is Your Town's Main Street Special?" Responses may be in the form of a painting, drawing, photograph, or written or video essay. (Learn more.)
Book Sense Publisher Partners interested in hosting similar events should contact Book Sense Marketing Director Mark Nichols at [email protected]. --Karen Schechner