BTW Updates the Citywide Book Club Listing

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Bookselling This Week is pleased to report that, after our Citywide Book Club list went online March 13, we received many e-mails from both libraries and booksellers detailing their own particular community book-reading efforts. Additionally, the Library of Congress (LOC),, now has a listing of Citywide Book Clubs, and some community efforts were added or updated using information from LOC’s Web site. The result has seen the list expand from 45 different community-reading initiatives to 65. To see the updated listing, click here.

As we stated in our initial listing, we expect this list to grow (and grow, it has). If your citywide book club is not listed, please contact Dave Grogan, BTW associate editor, via e-mail to [email protected]. Also, for those bookstores, libraries, or other groups looking to help launch a community book club, please click here for book club tips adapted from the Washington Center for the Book at the Seattle Public Library’s "Building a Citywide Book Club."