Gift Card Program Lowers Increment Fees

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With more than $20 million in sales, the Book Sense Gift Card program is beginning its fifth holiday season. And, for the 380-plus participating ABA-member bookstore locations, there is more good news: the fee for incrementing cards is being lowered.

Bookstores have always been able to add value to Book Sense Gift Cards by incrementing an already active card. Starting October 1, the fee for this service is being reduced from 30 cents to 25 cents per use. Booksellers will see the increment fee reduction reflected in their fourth-quarter bills (invoiced by Givex, ABA's partner in gift card transaction processing, on or about January 1, 2008, and paid via ACH on January 18).

All other program costs remain the same, including the 50-cents-per-card flat transaction (service) fee for initial activation and all redemptions, balance checks, and adjustments for the life of the card.

The Book Sense Gift Card Program offers booksellers a variety of options for processing the cards. Anthology, BookLog, Computac/Square One/[i]Merchant, IBID, and Wordstock each offer integrated processing modules. In addition, is included as a processing option for all stores. There are currently eight standard Book Sense card designs to choose from, and a total of 39 designs in circulation, including special limited edition gift cards and custom bookstore designs.

To sell Book Sense gift cards by Black Friday, November 23, the traditional start of the holiday shopping season, non-participating booksellers must complete a gift card letter of agreement and order form by October 31.

Questions about the program should be addressed to ABA's Jill Perlstein at [email protected] or (800) 637-0037, ext. 6642, or to Linda Ford at [email protected] or ext. 6644.