IndieCommerce Refocuses on Drupal 7 Migration

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As the IndieCommerce team focuses on migrating the last several hundred stores on the Drupal 6 (D6) platform to Drupal 7 (D7) by the March 31 deadline, response times for dealing with routine issues may be affected. Priority will be given to issues affecting store customers; however, in a January 12 IndieCommunication to participating stores, ABA Technology Director Neil Strandberg requested booksellers’ understanding if less time-sensitive matters are not addressed as quickly as in the past.

In addition, stores on the D6 platform are being asked to set aside non-critical concerns about their sites, which will be moved to the D7 platform by the spring.

With the end of the holidays, Strandberg has also restarted his weekly upgrade conference calls on Thursday afternoons. Important upgrade details and registration for the conference calls can be found on the upgrade help site, The next call will focus on the upgrade schedule and the steps involved in going live on the new platform.

Booksellers who are unable to take part in a scheduled conference call are invited to send questions or requests for a one-on-one call to [email protected].