Integrate the ABC Best Books for Young Readers Catalog With Your IndieCommerce Site

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Stores that use IndieCommerce or IndieLite platforms can install the digital ABC Best Books for Young Readers catalog (ABC catalog) on their sites. Here’s what you need to know:

For stores that use the IndieCommerce or IndieLite platforms, the relative URL path to the ABC catalog is /catalog/abc. Stores can link to the ABC catalog by adding the relative path to their website URL (for example, This is a simple way to share the ABC catalog in newsletters and social media posts.

There are two ways stores can link to the ABC catalog:

1. Add a menu link to the ABC catalog page (using the relative URL path mentioned above)

2. Using the block available called “ABC Catalog Block.” Stores can find this block following the admin menu on their IndieCommerce or IndieLite website. From the admin menu, select Structure > Blocks

This block can be placed on any region of the website, and the image on the block is automatically linked to the ABC catalog page.

A visual guide to adding the ABC catalog to a store’s website is available on

Looking to order additional copies of the 2021 ABC Best Books for Young Readers catalog? All ABA member stores are welcome to place an order now.