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Share Your Winter Institute Feedback Now
Booksellers who attended Winter Institute 14 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, are encouraged to fill out the post-event survey, which arrived in inboxes on Wednesday, February 6, and sign into the Winter Institute app to complete evaluations for each session they attended. Evaluations and survey responses are due by Friday, February 15.
The survey and session evaluations provide critical feedback for the formulation of educational programming and other resources that meet ABA member needs; both will help the American Booksellers Association plan for Winter Institute 15 in Baltimore, Maryland, in January 2020, as well as future educational events.
Booksellers with questions or those who need the survey link should contact ABA Senior Education Manager Lisa Winn.
Evaluations can be found by visiting the program in the app and clicking on a specific session; the evaluation will be listed under the heading “Surveys.”