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Sign Up Now: Indie Bookstores to Give Back on Small Business Saturday
Through the “Indie Bookstores Give Back on Small Business Saturday” campaign (#IndiesGiveBack), independent booksellers can sign up by September 10 to receive a free box of special “Indies First/Small Business Saturday” paperback editions of Jason Reynolds’ Ghost to distribute to children in an underserved community on or around Small Business Saturday®, which takes place on November 24. Stores can also elect to purchase additional cartons at cost for giveaway.
Award-winning author Reynolds is serving as the 2018 Indies First spokesperson, and to support his mission of providing children in low-income communities with access to books that reflect their own experiences, the American Booksellers Association and American Express are working together with Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing to make available 20,000 special edition copies of Ghost, the first book in Reynolds’ New York Times bestselling Track series, this holiday season.
Stores that participate in this giveaway will also be invited to enter to win one of two in-person visits from Reynolds in 2019 (watch Bookselling This Week for more details in the coming weeks).
To participate in the campaign, stores must sign up to receive their free 24-copy carton of Ghost by 5:00 p.m. EDT on Monday, September 10. Limit one carton per store while supplies last. In signing up to participate, stores agree to work with a local school, community or literacy organization, or youth group to give the books away to a program or school for underserved or low-income children at an event on or around November 24.
Stores have the option to purchase additional 24-copy cartons of the title, also for giveaway, at cost and including free freight. The order for extra cartons also must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. EDT on Monday, September 10. ABA will invoice stores for extra cartons.
All books will ship free freight directly to stores and will arrive by November 15; the books are non-returnable, not for resale, and must be donated. This offer is available while supplies last, so stores are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible. Sign up now to participate.