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World Book Night Launches Interactive Map of Givers
On Monday, World Book Night U.S. announced the launch of an interactive giver-by-zip-code map and an official list of host stores and libraries.
“This is a major new tool for local media, a boost for the participating stores and libraries, and just great fun for the givers,” said WBN U.S. Executive Director Carl Lennertz. “When we posted static giver maps without numbers the last two years, our Facebook traffic exploded with excitement, as givers got to see for the first time that they were part of something big. Now, with the numbers [of givers] per zip code, they can feel even prouder — and many, many more media outlets will have the answer to their first question: How many givers in our area?”
Lennertz also noted that the WBN website’s Resources for the Media page now includes a list of all 2,330 WBN host stores and libraries. “It’s a record total for us, and it supplies the media with the easy answer to their next question: Who’s supporting WBN in our market?” he said. “Along with the hundreds of store and library receptions, where media can interview givers, we feel these two new tools, and the very cool news for the givers still to come, will greatly magnify the sense of local pride in WBN and boost our social media traffic to new highs.”