Nominations Close October 12 for James Patterson’s Holiday Bookstore Bonus Program [5]

Author James Patterson’s Holiday Bookstore Bonus Program [7], which provides independent bookstore employees with some extra cash over the holidays, will be accepting nominations for one week more.

Patterson mousePatterson, who is contributing $250,000 to the program this year, is partnering with the American Booksellers Association for the fifth time to distribute the bonuses, to be granted in amounts of $750 to $1,500 to individual booksellers. The process to submit nominations has been extended through Friday, October 12, and anyone can nominate. The grant application [7] asks one question: “Why does this bookseller deserve a holiday bonus?”

After reviewing the answers, Patterson will select the winners from bookstores across the country. All past recipients of Patterson grants are eligible for this year’s bonuses, and booksellers can self-nominate.

Jennifer Green, owner of Green Bean Books [8] in Portland, Oregon, who received a James Patterson grant in December 2017, told BTW she was thrilled and surprised to receive the bonus, which came at a time when she really needed it.

“It significantly took stress out of my holiday season,” said Green. “I was also able to use a portion of my bonus to pay it forward for employee holiday bonuses. I’m so grateful to James Patterson for giving back to booksellers through his bonus program; I’ve already submitted my nomination for the upcoming holiday season.”

In 2017, Patterson donated a record $350,000 to bookstore employees; in 2016, $250,000 to 149 independent bookstore employees across the country; and in 2015, $250,000 to 87 recipients. In 2014, he awarded $1 million in grants to 178 independent bookstores. Over the past decade, Patterson has also given away more than a million books to students all over the United States and visited hundreds of schools to advocate for youth literacy.