ABA Seeks Member Input to Improve Next Year's BEA [4]

On Wednesday, June 18, the American Booksellers Association sent an e-mail to all members who had pre-registered for this year's BookExpo America, members of the ABA Board of Directors and Booksellers Advisory Council, and attendees at ABA's all-day education program on Thursday, May 29, at BEA, to seek their input in an effort to improve ABA programming at future shows.

The survey hopes to garner member input about the Thursday all-day education program, other ABA educational sessions on Friday and Saturday, and "The Hotel California," the exclusive hotel for independent booksellers attending the Los Angeles convention. (For a related story, click here [5].)

ABA is encouraging other bookseller members who attended BEA, but were not pre-registered, to complete the survey that is available online at http://www.bookweb.org/docs/survey [6].

The survey only takes a few minutes to fill out, and it will help ABA plan events for next year's BEA in Chicago, on June 4 - 6.

A response is requested before July 1.
