Maria's Bookshop Named Best Small Business of the Year [4]

Maria's Bookshop, owned by husband and wife Peter Schertz and Andrea Avantaggio, was recently named the Best Small Business of the Year by the Durango, Colorado, Chamber of Commerce. In announcing the award, the Chamber of Commerce cited Maria's dedication to the community and great customer service.

Maria's Bookshop owners Peter Schertz and Andrea Avantaggio

Photo: Jerry McBride/

"We just feel very honored to be recognized that way," Avantaggio told BTW. "Our first response will be to turn back around to the community to thank them for their support and noticing how hard we work."

The Durango Herald reported that, among the bookstore's community efforts, Maria's owners raised money to help Park Elementary School buy books, worked with the Durango Public Library to collect $5,000 for the Durango Fire & Rescue Authority, and held book signings and readings to support local and regional authors.

Avantaggio said that the Chamber of Commerce also recognized the positive work environment of the nearly 20-year-old business. "It's a good place to work. We look for ways to reward employees that are not necessarily financial. We make it a healthy, fun, and sane place to work."

Avantaggio had no idea that Maria's would win, at least not until the last minute. She told BTW that on the night of the awards ceremony, she and Schertz were at the hospital because her mother had fallen and broken her arm. "But somebody called and [pleaded] 'You have to be here,'" said Avantaggio. She left the hospital and attended the ceremony with her suspicions aroused, but still didn't know what Maria's had won until the announcement. The whole night was "a little chaotic," she said laughing. Avantaggio added that her mother was doing fine.
