Turning Tax Time Into a Plus: Participate in ABACUS [2]

[3]Now, as booksellers gather their financial data for tax season, is the perfect time to submit data to the 2006 ABACUS study through a newly designed and easier-to-use Web form [3]. Completing the survey takes approximately an hour and in return ABA member booksellers receive valuable data that can help them build a more profitable business.

Each ABA member bookstore participating in the study receives a customized report with detailed analysis of their store's financial results; comparisons with other stores based on more than 20 different criteria; an executive summary of the study's key findings; key insights into the drivers of independent bookstore profitability; year-to-year trends data; and opportunities to participate in ancillary studies.

As an incentive to provide data for ABACUS 2006, booksellers who submit completed surveys by July 31, 2006, will receive $50 off their next ABA dues renewal. To make it easier for booksellers to submit their 2005 financial data, the ABACUS Web form is now self-calculating. Also new this year, the study will begin asking participants to include their percentage of online sales.

With 278 ABA member bookstores -- representing 355 locations and approximately $379 million in sales -- submitting data to the 2005 survey (compared to 181 the previous year), the ABACUS study has clearly set a standard against which each store's financial results can be measured, providing participants, as well as the bookselling community as a whole, with invaluable information.

The 2005 ABACUS Review [4], which ABA CEO Avin Mark Domnitz presented at the welcome luncheon at this year's Winter Institute, is now available online to all ABA member booksellers.
