ABA Is on the Move [3]

The American Booksellers Association’s offices will be closed starting at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 13, as the staff undertakes a move from Tarrytown to White Plains, New York. The offices are expected to reopen on or about Wednesday, December 19.

There will be an interruption in phone service during this time as well as intermittent outages to BookWeb.org and the Book Buyer’s Handbook, and when ABA reopens for business, our office phone number, staff extensions, and fax numbers will all be new. The 800-number and staff e-mail addresses will remain the same. E-mail and IndieCommerce sites will be fully operational throughout the move, and staff will make every effort to respond to e-mails in a timely manner; however, there might be some delay. As usual, IndieCommerce staff will be monitoring the [email protected] [5] e-mail address, and in the event of a systems emergency, members can reach Member Technology Director Neil Strandberg at (720) 708-7887 [6].

Please change all records and mailing lists to reflect our new address:

American Booksellers Association
333 Westchester Avenue, Suite S202
White Plains, NY 10604

An update on our new phone numbers and extensions will be provided next week.

Stores that need to replenish their supply of Mary Engelbreit’s “A Book Is a Present You Can Open Again and Again” paper certificates can order via the electronic order form [7] or by calling (800) 637-0037 [8], ext. 6636 till noon on Thursday, December 13, for same day shipment. Orders placed after that time will not be processed until ABA’s offices reopen.
