Friday Deadline for Indies Introduce Debut Authors [3]

Friday, November 1, is the final day for ABA member bookstores to select their titles [5] for the Spring 2014 Indies Introduce Debut Authors [5] promotion. 

Stores must select eight titles from a list of 20, deemed by adult and children’s booksellers as the best debuts of the season, and agree to market them through in-store displays, in newsletters, and on store websites and social media.

Bookseller reviews of the titles [6], which publish between January and May 2014, are available to help stores choose their titles, and Edelweiss [7] has posted the list of Indies Introduce titles for easy ordering.

Learn more about the special offers available for Indies Introduce and select titles here [5] (a BookWeb user name and password are required to access this page). Booksellers with questions about Indies Introduce should contact BSI Senior Program Officer Joy Dallanegra-Sanger [8].

Stores that participated in previous Indies Introduce promotions have been automatically enrolled; those that do not wish to be included this season should e-mail Dallanegra-Sanger [8] by November 1.

Each week BTW is featuring interviews with authors in either the fall 2013 or spring 2014 promotions. ABA member stores are invited to use these Q&As in newsletters and social media and in online and in-store promotions. Here’s a look at the interviews to date [9].
