NAIBA Booksellers Invited to BEA/BookCon Preshow Meeting [5]

The organizers of BookExpo America [7] and BookCon [8] are inviting booksellers from the New Atlantic Independent Booksellers Association [9] region to a preshow meeting with Steve Rosato and Brien McDonald at the American Booksellers Association’s office in White Plains, New York. The preshow meeting is being held in conjunction with an ABA Booksellers Forum on Tuesday, April 29 [10].

Rosato and McDonald will discuss BEA’s lineup of Saturday activities and the launch of BookCon, Reed Expositions’ new pop-culture consumer event.


The full slate of content and events planned for Saturday include:

  • The BEA Author Breakfast featuring Alan Cumming, Lena Dunham, Martin Short, and Colm Tóibín (the newly appointed chairman of the PEN World Voices Festival)
  • ABA’s One-on-One Publisher Meetings
  • A full day of programming at the Uptown Stage, including “Where Are the People of Color in Children’s Books”
  • And all BookCon programming, open to ABA members, including author panels featuring Any Poehler, John Grisham, Stan Lee, David Mitchell, Jodi Picoult, Cassandra Clare, Mario Batali, Rick Riordan, Humans of New York, and more

While BookCon will have its own unique brand and experience and will essentially be a “show with a show,” Rosato and McDonald will be at ABA to discuss the opportunities for indie bookstores to get involved, including:

  • Promotion of the bookstore to the BookCon audience
  • Selling tickets/In-store promotion
  • Becoming a retailer at BookCon

ABA’s office is at 333 Westchester Avenue, South Building (designated by yellow tower), White Plains, New York 10604. The BEA/BookCon preshow meeting will take place from 2:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., directly after the NAIBA Spring Forum.
