Stores Sought to Host Programs on Censorship [4]

MLRC Institute [5], the sister organization of the Media Law Resource Center, will be working with the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression [6] to provide speakers for bookstores that are interested in hosting a program about censorship during Banned Books Week [7] (September 21 – 27, 2014).

When a bookstore volunteers to host an event, MLRC Institute, a not-for-profit educational organization focused on the media and the First Amendment, contacts a media attorney in the area who has extensive experience in laws affecting free speech. The program can either address free speech in general or focus on specific topics, such as censorship in schools or threats to free speech on the Internet.

Since the founding of the MLRC Institute’s First Amendment Speakers Bureau in 2006, many bookstores have hosted programs.  In 2013, presentations were held at The Last Bookstore [8] in Los Angeles, Joseph Beth Booksellers [9] in Cincinnati, 57th Street Books [10] in Chicago, and Vroman’s Bookstore [11] in Pasadena.

Interested booksellers should contact MLRC’s Dorianne Van Dyke at [email protected] [12] or  at (212) 337-0200, ext. 207.
