Binc Foundation Adds Childcare/Eldercare to Emergency Assistance Program [3]

[4]The Book Industry Charitable (Binc) Foundation [5] has expanded its list of qualifying events for which booksellers can apply for grants to cover the loss of household income. Based on bookseller input, grants are now available to help when childcare or eldercare emergencies cause a bookseller to miss scheduled work.

An application for assistance may be submitted by a bookseller who has lost more than 50 percent of his or her scheduled weekly income due to a verified emergency need for childcare or eldercare. The applicant must be the parent or legal guardian of the child or the primary caregiver of the elder. Grants for loss of household income due to emergency childcare/eldercare needs will help cover basic living expenses.

Binc also offers grants to help with the loss of household income due to a death in the family, disability, divorce or separation, or a partner or spouse’s job loss. For more information and details on how to apply for a grant, booksellers should visit the Financial Assistance page at [6] or call the foundation directly at (866) 733-9064.

The Book Industry Charitable Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that coordinates charitable programs to strengthen the bookselling community. Established in 1996, the core program provides assistance to bookstore employees who have a demonstrated financial need arising from severe hardship and/or emergency circumstances.
