Reminder: Submit Your Proposal to Receive One of Two Events With Jason Reynolds in 2019 [3]

American Booksellers Association member stores that signed up to participate in the “Indie Bookstores Give Back on Small Business Saturday [5]” campaign (#IndiesGiveBack) received an e-mail today, Wednesday, November 7, inviting them to submit an event proposal for author Jason Reynolds to visit their community this spring.

Through the #IndiesGiveBack campaign, booksellers are donating special-edition copies of Reynolds’ Ghost to young readers in underserved communities on or around Small Business Saturday, November 24.

Booksellers who signed up to participate should look for an e-mail sent today from ABA with the subject line “Submit Your Proposal for a Visit From Jason Reynolds!” Included in the e-mail is a form that booksellers can fill out to submit an event proposal for Reynolds to visit their community in spring 2019 for an event with Title I students as well as a second open-to-the-public event.

The deadline to submit is Monday, December 10.

Award-winning author Reynolds is serving as the 2018 Indies First [6] spokesperson, and to support his mission of providing children in low-income communities with access to books that reflect their own experiences, the American Booksellers Association and American Express are working together with Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing to make available 20,000 special edition copies of Ghost, the first book in Reynolds’ New York Times bestselling Track series, this holiday season. 
