Winter Institute 14 Bookseller Attendee List Now Available [2]

Booksellers, publishers, and guests who are registered for the 2019 Winter Institute [4] in Albuquerque, New Mexico, can now access the Wi14 Bookseller Registrants Listing [5] on BookWeb (a username and password are required to access the list; e-mail [email protected] [6] for login details).

The list can be sorted alphabetically by bookseller name, store name, state, ZIP Code, and other categories by clicking on the arrows in the header of the corresponding column. The entire list can also be printed by first changing the rows per page, found at the bottom of the screen, to 700, then clicking on the printer icon in the upper right corner of the header bar.

Registrants who are no longer planning to attend the 2019 Winter Institute should e-mail [email protected] [7] as soon as possible so waiting booksellers can be offered a chance to attend. All hotel reservations and cancellations [8] must be coordinated through Albuquerque-based housing bureau HBC Event Services.

The 14th annual Winter Institute [9] will be held January 22–25, 2019, at the Albuquerque Convention Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The event is sponsored by Ingram Content Group and publishers large and small. Questions about Wi14 can be sent to [email protected] [10].

Winter Institute is a professional development conference open to registered attendees only; it is not a public event.
