ABA Book Buyer's Handbook Reminder [4]

ABA member booksellers recently received a letter with full details of the recent launch of the Book Buyer’s Handbook Online, the fully searchable electronic edition of the Book Buyer’s Handbook. The new online edition of the Handbook is available to all ABA bookstore and associate members at BookWeb.org [6], the association member Web site.

Note that the handbook icon is now on the main navigation bar on the left-hand side of BookWeb.org’s home page.

The online Handbook offers booksellers the most up-to-date and accurate information on the thousands of companies included in the Handbook -- and, importantly, ABA can update and correct the data as soon as necessary. In the coming weeks, for the first time, the Handbook will feature publishers’ special offers and dated offers; information very often not available to independents in the past.

Many booksellers have already begun alerting ABA of changes in company policies and key contact information, alerts that are immediately followed up on by ABA staff. Booksellers can report updated terms online by going to http://handbook.bookweb.org/form.jsp [7].

Access to the Handbook is open to all ABA bookstore members. All staff in the store can access the Handbook online by using their current log-in name and password for BookWeb.org. To create a log-in name and password, booksellers need only click the "Register for BookWeb [8]" icon at www.Bookweb.org [9], and fill in the requested information, including your store’s ABA ID number. Any number of staff can use the same log-in and password.

Recognizing that some booksellers often refer to the Handbook for contact information, we are making available -- free upon request -- a booklet containing key contact information, including the main office address and phone numbers for all companies currently in the handbook database. Booksellers can also order a copy of the print book for $50 per copy.

To order your free copy of the booklet containing key contact information and/or to order a print Handbook for $50, go to http://handbook.bookweb.org/orderform.jsp [10], or contact Pete Reynolds at [email protected] [11]. Please submit orders by July 8.
