Book Sense Gift Certificate Expiration Date Reminder [3]

Here's a reminder for booksellers regarding expiration dates on Book Sense gift certificates. Expiration dates do not apply in California, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and, possibly, other states. If you're still selling the original (Blue) gift certificates, please exchange these for the new (Gold) ones, which include important revised information about the gift certificate's expiration date. Book Sense will replace your supply of Blue gift certificates with the Gold design at no additional cost. Please send an e-mail to Linda Ford at [email protected] [4] with your store information, including a fax number, and she will forward the appropriate paperwork to facilitate the exchange. Remember all Book Sense gift certificates (both the Blue and Gold) are valid for two years from the date of sale, except in states where no expiration date applies.

Addressing booksellers and the importance of understanding issues pertaining to Book Sense gift certificates, ABA Marketing Director Jill Perlstein said: "In the coming weeks, booksellers will be hearing more and more about the details of the Book Sense Gift Card program. And, since the gift certificate and gift card programs will run simultaneously for some time, it is imperative that bookstore staff are educated on this operational and sales issue. Please also remember that customers are becoming more familiar with their rights as consumers as it applies to gift certificate sales, so familiarizing yourself with local laws about unclaimed funds, expiration dates, and other related issues is strongly suggested."

For more information about the Do's and Don'ts of Book Sense Gift Certificates, click here [5].
