December White Box Provides Holiday Cheer Galore [4]

As the 2003 Book Sense White Box mailing year draws to a close, Santa himself couldn't come up with a more wonderful selection of items than those provided by our Publisher Partners. No lumps of coal here! Just some of the highlights:

Galleys, ARCs, and finished books:

  • From the Arthur A. Levine imprint at Scholastic, IN THE SHADOW OF THE ARK, a novel in the tradition of The Red Tent, by Anne Provoost
  • Donna Leon follows her #1 Book Sense Pick Uniform Justice with DOCTORED EVIDENCE, to be published by Atlantic Monthly Press
  • Bloomsbury offers Joanna Trollope's latest novel, BROTHER AND SISTER
  • Dennis McFarlane, author of The Music Room, returns with a novel set in the segregated South of the late '50s: PRINCE EDWARD, to be published by Holt
  • From HarperCollins, with a special note from Carl Lennertz, comes Reed Arvin's second novel (following The Will), THE LAST GOODBYE
  • To be published as a Penguin paperback original, Aurelie Sheehan's debut novel, THE ANXIETY OF EVERYDAY OBJECTS
  • From Tarcher/Penguin, a collection of essays edited by Margo Perin entitled HOW I LEARNED TO COOK: And Other Writings on Complex Mother-Daughter Relationships
  • Basic Books will publish THE MAPMAKER'S WIFE: A True Tale of Love, Murder, and Survival in the Amazon by science journalist Robert Whitaker
  • Independent bookseller favorite Karen Joy Fowler's newest novel from Putnam is entitled THE JANE AUSTEN BOOK CLUB and is offered to you here packaged with a complimentary copy of a Jane Austen Penguin Classic
  • William Morrow brings the debut novel by Marc Bajanowski entitled THE DOG FIGHTER
  • From the Den of Antiquity Mystery Series by Tamar Myers, Avon offers a finished mass market copy of the first title in the series, LARCENY AND OLD LACE

Catalogs, excerpt booklets, calendars, and more:

  • The Spring 2004 catalog from New York Review of Books/Granta
  • The Spring/Summer 2004 catalog from Consortium's U.K. distribution client Serpent's Tail
  • An excerpt from the highly anticipated memoir of food writer Mimi Sheraton, EATING MY WORDS: An Appetite for Life, to be published by Morrow
  • The Summer 2004 catalog from Wizards of the Coast
  • DK offers a useful Promotional Calendar for the first half of 2004
  • To celebrate the publication of HOLLYWOOD INTERRUPTED by Andrew Breitbart and Mark Ebner, John Wiley offers a 2004 calendar of the same name
  • The Spring/Summer 2004 catalog from Red Wheel/Weiser and Conari Press
  • Two Spring 2004 brochures from Soho Press covering Soho Crime and Soho General titles

Posters, Sell Sheets, Postcards, Bookmarks, Shelf-talkers, and more from:

McGraw-Hill, Tor/Forge, Bonus Books, Tricycle Press, Shleppedicke Press, Diamond Book Distributors, Morrow (Avon Trade, Eos, and Dark Alley imprints), Black Rose, Wizards of the Coast, and Intrigue Press

Please note: There is no Hardcover History program bookmark this month. We'll have a fresh supply for you in the January White Box to tie into February programming on The History Channel.

Heartfelt wishes for a strong and successful holiday season from all of us at Book Sense, along with our Publisher Partners. Until the New Year,

Mark Nichols
Director, Book Sense Marketing
[email protected] [5]
