LIBRIS Asks: Is Your Business Prepared for an Emergency? [3]

[4]Whether your bookstore has many employees and locations, or it's just a two-person operation, having a basic accident and emergency control program is good business. Here, the insurance professionals at LIBRIS (League of Independent Book Retailer Insurance Services), the ABA-owned insurance company, offer nine elements that should be addressed by an effective risk management program:


  1. Is accident prevention and employee safety included as a major subject during new employee orientation?
  2. Are planned employee/management safety committee meetings held on a regular schedule?
  3. Has communication about hazards, confined space entry, and other training, where required, been provided on schedule?

Emergency Response

  1. Does your company have a first aid kit or designated facility with a daily inventory of equipment and supplies?
  2. Have supervisors been trained in basic first aid?
  3. Are telephone numbers posted and are there written procedures for handling serious cases (ambulance, hospitals, doctors, etc.)?

Accident Investigation and Claims Management

  1. Are all accidents reported and investigated (using written procedures) to determine facts and to identify causes for injury and property damage?
  2. Is there a central file for all accident investigation reports and for corrective actions completed?

Personal Protection

  1. Has a hazard assessment been completed to determine the need for personal protective equipment?

These four areas of risk control, if properly implemented, can have a measurable positive financial impact on your organization.

The tips contained in this article were provided by the insurance professionals at LIBRIS (League of Independent Book Retailer Insurance Services). LIBRIS is an insurance program exclusively for independent booksellers; it is sponsored by the American Booksellers Association and owned by ABA members.

LIBRIS ( [5]) invites booksellers to call (888) 694-8585 with questions about business property, liability, or workers' compensation insurance. The staff at LIBRIS will be happy to provide a free, no obligation insurance quote usually within one business day.
