Wanted: Booksellers' Digital Success Stories [2]

[3]The Fifth Annual Winter Institute [3] is fast approaching, and ABA staff is busy putting together an outstanding educational program. But your help is needed: If you've had success selling digital content, or if the way you handsell, promote, or otherwise interact with customers has been influenced by mobile technology, ABA's Education Department [4] would like to hear from you.

Booksellers' stories are being sought for curriculum materials for two sessions on Wednesday, February 3:

  • A Report From the Field: Bookseller Success Stories About Selling Digital Content
    This session is for you if you are selling digital content regularly and want to hear some hints and tips from other booksellers who have found this medium a successful sales vehicle. A panel of experts will discuss their successes and failures in selling e-books to consumers.
  • Going Mobile: How Books Are Sold, Bought & Consumed With Mobile Technology
    Current mobile technology means your customers have the ability to be connected to everything all the time. What does this mean for book sales? How does your participation in mobile technology change your approach to sales, marketing, and, even, events? How are your customers using their iPhones and BlackBerrys to access book content? Learn how the mobile revolution is affecting your store.

Booksellers who would like to share their experiences with ABA staff are encouraged to contact Education Coordinator Lisa Winn at [email protected] [4] or (800) 637-0037, ext. 6657.
