Best Books for Children Catalog Nomination Deadline Monday [4]

[6]Monday, July 2, is last day for booksellers at ABA member stores to submit nominations [6] for the fall 2012 ABC Best Books for Children Catalog. Titles published between January and October 2012 are eligible, and recommendations should provide as much bibliographic information (title, author, ISBN, publisher, price, age range, format, pub date) as possible. A short blurb in support of the book is welcome but not necessary.

The 2012 catalog, featuring more than 200 fully vetted titles for children and teens and cover art from William Joyce’s The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore (Atheneum Books for Young Readers), will land in stores in early October. It will bear no holiday branding to provide a year-round marketing tool.

E-mail nominations now [6], or send questions to ABC Group Manager Shannon O’Connor [7].

A catalog order form will be available to ABA member stores in July.