Wanted for Wi9: Photos of New Stores, New Owners, Expanded Locations [2]

A resurgence of indie bookstores is underway, and the American Booksellers Association would like to emphasize the good news at this month’s Winter Institute. Members can help by sending along photos of new stores, expanded locations, and new owners alike. The association would like to showcase these photos in a slideshow at the Winter Institute plenary gatherings.

You can send a photo of your store — with you, a bookseller, or customer in the image (accordingly identified) — and ABA will create a photomontage that will introduce you to your colleagues and to the industry, as well as show the people and places of the new indie renaissance.

The largest-size photo possible should be sent to ABA Marketing Manager and Designer Greg Galloway [3] no later than January 17. Phone images are fine, and they should be oriented horizontally when possible.
