October 31 Deadline to Sign Up for Indies Introduce Promotions [4]

Stores that have never participated in the Indies Introduce program must complete the sign-up form [6] by Monday, October 31, to take advantage of publishers’ offers on Winter/Spring 2017 Indies Introduce titles [7].

Indies Introduce logosThe Winter/Spring list [8] is comprised of 10 adult titles and 10 children’s titles publishing between January and May 2017, which were chosen by bookseller panelists from across the country as the upcoming season’s top debuts. A BookWeb username and password are required to access the list, which is accompanied by bookseller blurbs, full details on publishers’ offers, and special promotional materials.

Stores that have taken in part in past Indies Introduce promotions do not need to sign up to participate. An archive of Indies Introduce author interviews [9] from Bookselling This Week is also available to help ABA members promote current and past Indies Introduce picks.

Booksellers who would like to volunteer to be a reader for next year’s Indies Introduce panel, which commences in January 2017, are invited to contact Senior Program Officer Joy Dallanegra-Sanger [10].
