Survey Seeks IndieCommerce and IndieLite Users’ Input on Webinar Topics [4]

The IndieCommerce team is developing a new series of webinars for ABA members who use IndieCommerce and IndieLite [6] and has created a short survey where booksellers can suggest webinar topics.

The very brief survey, which was created due to an influx of new stores joining IndieCommerce and IndieLite in recent months, also includes questions about the best times of the day as well as the best day of the week for booksellers to participate in this new online seminar series.

User input is very important when it comes to making the IndieCommerce and IndieLite platforms even more innovative and user-friendly. It should only take a few minutes for booksellers to complete the survey [7].

Questions about the survey or any other matters regarding IndieCommerce and IndieLite can be sent to the IndieCommerce team [8].
