Winter/Spring 2018 Indies Introduce Signup Open [3]

Indies Introduce logoBooksellers who are beginning to plan their orders and displays for the Winter/Spring 2018 Indies Introduce program [5] can stop by ABA’s booth at the upcoming regional association trade shows [6] to see many of the featured titles and to collect a handout that includes all 20 picks, cover images, bookseller comments, and more.

Publishers are offering specials on 10 adult and 10 children’s books selected by booksellers from across the country for this round of the Indies Introduce program. The titles include adult fiction and nonfiction, middle grade, and YA books publishing between January and June 2018. See the full list of Indies Introduce picks and details about the program here [5].

Stores that are new to Indies Introduce must complete the Indies Introduce sign-up form by October 30 [7] to participate in the program; for stores that have taken part in past Indies Introduce promotions, there’s no need to sign up to take advantage of publishers’ Winter/Spring offers.

To access the list of titles with bookseller blurbs and full details on publishers’ offers [5], booksellers will need a login name and password. Booksellers can sign in or create a new password here [8] (booksellers needing login information can e-mail [email protected] [9]).

Sam Miller of Carmichael’s Kids [10] in Louisville, Kentucky, who served on the Indies Introduce panel that selected the 10 children’s debuts, said, “I loved the experience of being on the Indies Introduce committee. The comradeship with other booksellers was wonderful, as were many of the titles I likely would have never read otherwise. I was also fascinated by how the book themes dovetailed and reinforced each other. Courage seemed to be the prevailing theme in our crop, which could not feel timelier.”

Indies Introduce picks from previous seasons have gone on to receive critical praise and award nominations. Earlier this month, the National Book Foundation announced the 2017 National Book Awards Longlist for Fiction [11], which features two Indies Introduce debuts: Summer/Fall 2017 [12] pick A Kind of Freedom by Margaret Wilkerson Sexton (Counterpoint) and Winter/Spring 2017 [13] pick The Leavers by Lisa Ko (Algonquin). The shortlist for the 2017 Man Booker Prize for Fiction [14] features Indies Introduce Winter/Spring 2017 debut History of Wolves by Emily Fridlund (Atlantic Monthly Press).

Learn more about this season’s Indies Introduce selections here [5]. The Indies Introduce logo and sell sheets for each title are available for download in BookWeb’s DIY [15]. Sell sheets will also be included in the October Red Box mailing.

Also available to help ABA members promote current and past Indies Introduce picks is an archive of Indies Introduce author interviews [16] from Bookselling This Week. Stores are welcome to adapt these interviews or run them as is in store newsletters, on blogs, etc.; booksellers are encouraged to let ABA know if they do [17].

With publishers offering special terms to members as part of promotions like Indies Introduce, ABA is asking booksellers to share details about their buyers and other staff to ensure that the correct person at each member bookstore is being notified about such offers. To let ABA know who should receive e-mails about offers in connection with ABA’s multi-publisher promotions, fill out the store buyers form on BookWeb [18]. To inform ABA about other personnel changes, e-mail ABA Member Relationship Manager Daniel O’Brien [19].
