E-commerce Update: Online Sales Increase [5]

Here, the IndieCommerce [6] team shares an important look at current trends in the world of e-commerce.

Over the past seven days, IndieCommerce and IndieLite stores saw a 9.24 percent increase in sales revenue. This was largely driven by an increase in the percentage of online shoppers that completed an online purchase (the e-commerce conversion rate).

Seven-day comparison of the e-commerce conversion rate

The number of users/traffic to IC and IL websites last week increased by less than one percent, but those customers were more likely to make an online purchase when compared to the previous week.

seven-day comparison of users/traffic

Even though we are well past the holiday shopping season, online shopping is still actively being used by customers who want to support their local bookseller. Many booksellers are adopting new techniques for managing these online orders. [7]