Winter/Spring 2017 Indies Introduce Signup Open [4]

Indies Introduce logo [6]Booksellers who are beginning to plan their orders and displays for the Winter/Spring 2017 Indies Introduce program [7] can stop by ABA’s booth at the upcoming regional association trade shows [8] to see many of the featured titles and to collect a handout that includes all 20 picks, cover images, bookseller comments, and more.

Publishers are offering specials on the 10 adult and 10 children’s books selected by booksellers from across the country for this round of the Indies Introduce program. The titles include adult fiction and nonfiction, middle grade, and YA books publishing between January and May 2017. See the full list of Indies Introduce picks and details about the program here [7].

Stores that are new to Indies Introduce must complete the Indies Introduce sign-up form by October 31 [7] to participate in the program; for stores that have taken part in past Indies Introduce promotions, there’s no need to sign up to take advantage of publishers’ Winter/Spring offers.

Access to the list of titles with bookseller blurbs, full details on publishers’ offers, and promotional materials are available to ABA member booksellers with a BookWeb username and password (booksellers can sign in or create a new password here [9]). Indies Introduce sell sheets [10] are also available for each title in BookWeb’s DIY.

Bookseller panelists read through stacks of debut galleys to select this group of Indies Introduce picks. Susan Hans O’Connor of Penguin Bookshop [11] in Sewickley, Pennsylvania, said the experience of serving on the Indies Introduce Adult debut committee was “an amazing opportunity not only to read some extraordinary work, but also to get a wide view of an entire season of debut releases. It was an honor to be an early reader and hear the voices of all this talent, many of whom are sure to become literary stars.”

“To have truly substantive and meaningful conversations with fellow booksellers — all smart, funny, compassionate, and informed — from around the country on a weekly basis about the merits of upcoming books and new writers lifted my spirits and served as a weekly reminder of why we do what we do: because of our passion for the written word, for ideas, for opening hearts and minds, and for putting the right books into customers’ hands each and every day,” O’Connor added.

Learn more about this season’s Indies Introduce selections here [7].

Also available to help ABA members promote current and past Indies Introduce picks is an archive of Indies Introduce author interviews [12] from Bookselling This Week. Stores are welcome to adapt these interviews or run them as is in store newsletters, on blogs, etc.; booksellers are encouraged to let ABA know if they do [13].
