April 11 Marketing Meetup to Focus on Influencer Marketing [4]

The American Booksellers Association will present a new marketing meetup for independent booksellers on Thursday, April 11, featuring guest speakers who will provide insight on the topic of influencer marketing.

All booksellers are invited to participate in these bookseller-led educational conversations, which are conducted through Zoom.us and held at 11:00 a.m. EST on two Thursdays a month. Booksellers who would like to participate should e-mail [email protected] [6] for an invitation and instructions.

On Thursday, April 11, from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. EDT, the ABA’s meetup will focus on influencer marketing, a combination of marketing tools that takes the idea of a celebrity (influencer) endorsement and places it into a present-day content-driven marketing campaign that relies heavily on the collaborations between the brand (you) and the influencer (celebrity). In the book world, an influencer could be an author, book reviewer, local blogger, or even a book-loving teen at the local high school.

Guest speakers for this upcoming marketing meetup will be Liza Bernard of Norwich Bookstore [7] in Norwich, Vermont; Lauren Messamore of Watermark Books & Cafe [8] in Wichita, Kansas; and Andrea Thatcher of Smith Publicity [9] in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.

Watch Bookselling This Week for more news about upcoming Marketing Meetups.
