E-commerce Update: Website Traffic Soars 118 Percent [5]

Here, the IndieCommerce [6] team shares an important look at current trends in the world of e-commerce.

Sunday, May 31; Monday, June 1; and Tuesday, June 2, came with a 118 percent increase in website traffic compared to the same three-day period in the previous week. This increase is the result of customers shopping for antiracism titles across the IndieCommerce system. We expect traffic to be even higher today, June 3.

Here is the seven-day traffic comparison for the past week (blue) compared to the previous week (orange).

Seven-day comparison of users

Below is a seven-day comparison of the e-commerce conversion rate for all IndieCommerce (IC) and IndieLite (IL) stores. The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to websites that complete a purchase online. The conversion rate increased from 7.22 percent last week to 7.28 percent this week.

Seven-day comparison of conversion rates

With another massive increase in traffic on top of the huge COVID-19 related uptick that started on March 12, online sales this week were up 60.79 percent vs. last week. To accommodate all of the new customer traffic, their transactions, and store administrative activity on the system, we’ve made four major upgrades over the past three days. This morning at 6:00 am ET, ABA Systems Administrator Josh Harding doubled the capacity of our database. We are monitoring the system very closely. If you experience issues with your website, we want to hear from you, but please first check the System Status Page [7] to see if we are aware of the issue before contacting customer support at [email protected] [8].