E-commerce Update: Sales Trend Downward After Rush for Antiracism Titles [5]

Here, the IndieCommerce [6] team shares an important look at current trends in the world of e-commerce.

This was an interesting week, to say the least. The sales surge in antiracist titles is now declining and the traffic that came along with those customers is down 23 percent over the past three days (red arrows below).

Seven-day comparison of users

During that big three-day decline in traffic (Sunday, June 21, through Tuesday, June 23), we also saw a drop in the number of customers who completed purchases online. For those three days, the ecommerce conversion rate dropped from 6.73 percent (orange line below) to 5.77 percent (blue line below) resulting in a 38.42 percent drop in revenue for those three days compared to the previous week.

Seven-day conversion rate comparison

We saw some big swings in online sales and traffic over the past three days. The drop in the conversion rate as well as the simultaneous drop in traffic may indicate that another shift in consumer behavior is occurring. We’ll continue to monitor it closely and will have an update for you next week.