E-commerce Update: Highly Motivated Customers Driving Online Sales [4]

Here, the IndieCommerce [5] team shares an important look at current trends in the world of e-commerce.

An expected drop in traffic to IndieCommerce (IC) and IndieLite (IL) websites over the 4th of July weekend resulted in a 7.06 percent drop in traffic/users (blue line) when compared to the previous week (orange line). Traffic on Saturday, July 4, was particularly impacted, with a 24.4 percent decrease.

Seven day comparison of visitors to IndieCommerce/IndieLite sites.

Although online traffic was down, customers that visited IndieCommerce and IndieLite websites last week were highly motivated to complete an online purchase. About 5.7 percent of them completed a purchase. For comparison, the conversion rate last year at this time was around 1.22 percent. That’s a 371.82 percent increase over last year.

Seven-day conversion rate comparison.

The high 5.7 percent conversion rate that we’ve seen over the past few weeks indicates that customers are still interested in buying online even with stores reopening across the country.
