Sign-up Deadline for Winter/Spring 2015 Indies Introduce Promo Approaches [5]

[7]ABA member stores that have not signed up for the Winter/Spring 2015 Indies Introduce Debut Authors and New Voices promotion [8] and have not participated in past Indies Introduce promotions have just two weeks left. The sign-up deadline to take advantage of special publisher terms in support of 10 adult and 10 children’s debuts [9], chosen by panels of indie booksellers, is October 31. Featured Winter/Spring titles include fiction and nonfiction, middle grade and YA, publishing between January and June 2015.

Brandi Stewart of Changing Hands Bookstore [10] in Tempe, Arizona, who served on the Indies Introduce New Voices panel, said, “It’s one of my greatest pleasures to meet a debut author and help their book find homes in the hearts of kids and teens. New Voices just allows me to do this on a much larger scale. I can’t wait to put out our 2015 top 10 with the quotes written by not only me, but my fellow panelists.”

Adult panelist Barbara Theroux of Fact & Fiction [11] in Missoula, Montana, said, “ABA’s Indie Debut Author program is one of the best things that happened for publishers, authors, and booksellers in a long time…. Whenever someone asks about the future of publishing, I proudly point to the Indies Debut Author lists and say the industry is alive and well.”

Stores that have participated in past Indies Introduce promotions are automatically included in the Winter/Spring 2015 promotion and do not need to sign up.

To see the full list of titles, publishers’ terms, and booksellers’ recommendations and to sign up to participate in the Winter/Spring 2015 Indies Introduce Debut Authors and New Voices promotion, click here [8]. (A BookWeb username and password are required.) Booksellers attending the last two regional trade shows of the season — in Northern and Southern California — are encouraged to stop by the ABA booth to preview some of the books and galleys that are part of the promotion.

Digital galleys of a number of the adult and children’s titles in the Winter/Spring 2015 Indies Introduce promotion [12] are now available on NetGalley [13]. Booksellers can sign in [14] on the NetGalley site to read the books they will be handselling in the months to come.

Winter/Spring 2015 titles are also featured on Edelweiss [15].

Display and promotion materials are available in ABA’s Designs and Downloads [16].