September Meetups to Look at Holiday Marketing, Eventbrite [5]

During the month of September, the American Booksellers Association will present a Marketing Meetup that will focus on holiday season marketing, and a Technology Meetup on recent changes to Eventbrite. Sign up and learn more about ABA meetups here [7].

September 3 at 1:00 p.m. ET: Marketing Meetup: “Holiday Season Marketing”

Given the events of the year thus far, it’s easy to understand how overwhelming the idea of planning for the holidays is. While it can be tempting to just stop planning and see what happens, this upcoming season could be crucial in terms of sales. With that in mind, ABA has lined up several guest speakers who will be sharing their best suggestions and ideas on holiday marketing for the coming season. 

The guest speakers will be:

September 10 at 1:00 p.m. ET: Technology Meetup: Eventbrite Updates

During this session, Eventbrite Client Success Manager Jorge Portillo and Technical Customer Success Manager II Donna Kumar will provide updates on recent changes to Eventbrite and useful tools that will soon be available.
