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The Indie Comics & Graphic Works Bestseller List

Based on sales at independent bookstores nationwide for the eight-week period ending August 21, 2011.
1. The Influencing Machine: Brooke Gladstone on the Media
Brooke Gladstone, Josh Neufeld (Illus.), Norton, $23.95, 9780393077797
2. Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life
Bryan Lee O’Malley, Oni Press, $11.99, 9781932664089
3. Watchmen
Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons, DC Comics, $19.99, 9780930289232
4. Cowboys & Aliens
Fred Van Lente, Andrew Foley, It Books, $15.99, 9780062079077
5. Simpsons Comics Meltdown
Matt Groening, Harper, $15.99, 9780062036537
6. Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God From Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human
Grant Morrison, Spiegel & Grau, $28, 9781400069125
7. Paying For It: A Comic-Strip Memoir About Being a John
Chester Brown, Drawn & Quarterly, $24.95, 9781770460485
8. DC Comics: The Ultimate Character Guide
Brandon T. Snider, DK Publishing, $16.99, 9780756682613
9. The Griff: A Graphic Novel
Christopher Moore, Ian Corson, Morrow, $22.99, 9780061977527
10. Pearls Blows Up: A Pearls Before Swine Treasury
Stephan Pastis, Andrews McMeel, $16.99, 9781449401061
11. Everything Is Its Own Reward
Paul Madonna, City Lights, $27.95, 9780872865150
12. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Bryan Lee O’Malley, Oni Press, $11.99, 9781932664126
13. American Born Chinese
Gene Luen Yang, Lark Pien (Illus.), Square Fish, $8.99, 9780312384487
14. Asterix the Gaul
Rene Goscinny, Albert Uderzo (Illus.), Orion, $10.95, 9780752866055
15. V for Vendetta
Alan Moore, David Lloyd (Illus.), Vertigo, $19.99, 9781401208417
16. Naruto, Volume 51
Masashi Kishimoto, Viz Media, $9.99, 9781421534985
17. Hera: The Goddess and Her Glory
George O’Connor, First Second, $9.99, 9781596434332
18. The Adventures of TinTin in the Land of the Soviets
Herge, Little Brown, $10.99, 9780316003742
19. DC Comics Super Heroes and Villains: Fandex Deluxe
Randall Lotowycz, Workman, $12.95, 9780761158561
20. The Walking Dead, Volume 1: Days Gone Bye
Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore (Illus.), Image Comics, $9.99, 9781582406725
21. Level Up
Gene Luen Yang, Thien Pham, First Second, $15.99, 9781596432352
22. Logicomix
Apostolos Doxiadis, Christos Papadimitriou, Bloomsbury, $22.95, 9781596914520
23. No Way Out
Robert Kirkman, Charles Adlard (Illus.), Image Comics, $14.99, 9781607063926
24. The Book of Genesis Illustrated by R. Crumb
R. Crumb, Norton, $25.95, 9780393061024
25. Scientific Progress Goes “Boink”: A Calvin and Hobbes Collection
Bill Watterson, Andrews McMeel, $12.99, 9780836218787