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The Indie Personal Finance Bestseller List

Based on sales at independent bookstores nationwide for the eight-week period ending April 7, 2013.
1. J.K. Lasser’s Your Income Tax 2013: For Preparing Your 2012 Tax Return
J.K. Lasser Institute, Wiley, $22.95, 9781118346709
2. Pound Foolish: Exposing the Dark Side of the Personal Finance Industry
Helaine Olen, Portfolio, $27.95, 9781591844891
3. The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness
Dave Ramsey, Thomas Nelson, $24.99, 9781595550781
4. Rich Dad Poor Dad
Robert T. Kiyosaki, Plata Publishing, $16.95, 9781612680002
5. The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing
Jason Kelly, Plume, $16, 9780452298620
6. Ernst & Young Tax Guide 2013
Peter W. Bernstein (Ed.), Wiley, $24.95, 9781118466674
7. The Intelligent Investor
Benjamin Graham, HarperBusiness, $22.99, 9780060555665
8. White House Burning: Our National Debt and Why It Matters to You
Simon Johnson, James Kwak, Vintage, $15.95, 9780307947642
9. The Smartest Money Book You’ll Ever Read: Everything You Need to Know About Growing, Spending, and Enjoying Your Money
Daniel R. Solin, Perigee, $16, 9780399537783
10. The Power of Consistency
Weldon Long, Wiley, $24.95, 9781118486801
11. The Money Class: How to Stand in Your Truth and Create the Future You Deserve
Suze Orman, Spiegel & Grau, $16, 9780812982138
12. Personal Finance for Dummies
Eric Tyson, For Dummies, $22.99, 9781118117859
13. A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing
Burton Gordon Malkiel, Norton, $18.95, 9780393340747
14. How to Retire the Cheapskate Way: The Ultimate Cheapskate’s Guide to a Better, Earlier, Happier Retirement
Jeffrey Yeager, Jeff Yeager, Three Rivers, $14, 9780307956422
15. Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown
David Wiedemer, et al., Wiley, $27.95, 9780470918142
16. Local Dollars, Local Sense: How to Shift Your Money From Wall Street to Main Street and Achieve Real Prosperity--A Community Resilience Guide
Michael Shuman, Chelsea Green, $17.95, 9781603583435
17. I Brake for Yard Sales: And Flea Markets, Thrift Shops, Auctions, and the Occasional Dumpster
Lara Spencer, Stewart, Tabori, & Chang, $24.95, 9781584799221
18. Nolo’s Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home
Ilona Bray, et al., NOLO, $24.99, 9781413317626
19. I Will Teach You to Be Rich
Ramit Sethi, Workman, $13.95, 9780761147480
20. The Aftershock Investor: A Crash Course in Staying Afloat in a Sinking Economy
David Wiedemer, et al., Wiley, $29.95, 9781118073544
21. The Total Money Makeover Workbook
Dave Ramsey, et al., Thomas Nelson Publishers, $19.99, 9780785263272
22. The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of Our Inner Resources
Lynne Twist, Norton, $18.95, 9780393329506
23. The Art of the Sale: Learning From the Masters About the Business of Life
Philip Delves Broughton, Penguin, $16, 9780143122760
24. Money Rules: The Simple Path to Lifelong Security
Jean Chatzky, Rodale, $12.99, 9781609618605
25. Clark Howard’s Living Large in Lean Times: 250+ Ways to Buy Smarter, Spend Smarter, and Save Money
Clark Howard, Avery, $18, 9781583334331